
ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2018). Best Demo Award. 2018

ACM Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2018). Honourable Mention Note Award. 2018

Fundación TELEFÓNICA. Best PhD. Thesis on education and technology. XXXVI Edition of “Official College of Telecommunications Engineers And Spanish Association of Telecomunications Engineers” Awards. 2016. (Resolution, in Spanish)

eMadrid Network. Best PhD. Thesis. eMadrid Awards. 2016. (Resolution, in Spanish)

Autism Spectrum Disorder Federation of Madrid. Innovation Award. Autism Spectrum Disorder Federation of Madrid Awards. 2016. (Press note, in Spanish)

Fundación Foltra. Honourable Mention in best research project on restorative neurogenesis. 1st Ed. Dr. Ramón Ríos Awards. 2015. (Press note, in Spanish)